Tuesday 4 June 2013

Lemon Yoghurt Syrup Cake

This delicious lemon cake is oh so tasty and will leave you wanting more! I made this cake recently in the late afternoon so some of the photos may be a little dark.
Lets get started.

For the cake you will need:
250g Butter, softened
3 Teaspoons of finely grated lemon rind
3/4 of a cup of caster sugar
3 Eggs
1 1/4 cups of plain Greek style yoghurt
1/4 Cup of lemon juice
1 1/2 Cups of self raising flour
1/2 Cup of plain flour

Preheat your oven to 180 degrees and generously grease a bunt or normal cake pan.
Measure out all of your ingredients into bowls and sift your flours together to make the process easier.
Beat the butter, lemon rind and sugar until light and fluffy and then add the eggs one at a time, beating after each addition.

Transfer the mixture into a large bowl.
Add half of the yoghurt and half of the lemon juice to the mixture. Mix well with a spatula.
Add half of the sifted flours and mix well. Then as the remaining yogurt and lemon juice and mix well.
Then as you would have guessed, add the remaining amount of flours and mix well.

Spread the batter into the pan and bake for about 40-50 minutes. Insert a skewer into the cake to see if it is ready and remove from the oven.
Leave to cool in the pan for 15 minutes before turning out onto a wire rack.

To make the scrumptious lemon syrup to drizzle over the cake you will need:
1/4 Cup of lemon juice
2/3 Cup of caster sugar
1/4 Cup of cold water
To make the syrup, combine the lemon juice, sugar and water in a small saucepan over a low heat. Stir for 2-3 minutes or until the sugar has dissolved.
Increase the heat to medium and bring to the boil. Then once bubbling, reduce the heat to low.
Simmer like this for 5 minutes or until thickened.
Decorate the cake with some extra lemon zest and pour over the lemon syrup. Serve with some extra Greek yoghurt and ice cream.
This cake is delicious and doesn't have an overly lemon taste which is great as I'm not a huge lemon fan. I hope you enjoy making this delicious cake!
Hungry Cakes

Friday 24 May 2013

Cookie Monster Cupcakes

These oh so cute Cookie Monster Cupcakes will be a hit with the kids and the kids at heart and the best part is they are super easy!

To start you will need:
  • 1 quantity of your favourite cake mix - I went for the Coles chocolate packet mix
  • 12 Large patty cases
  • 1 quantity of Butter Cream Frosting
  • Blue Food Colouring  I used the liquid kind
  • 2 1/2 Cups of shredded coconut
  • 24 White chocolate Melts
  • 24 Dark chocolate chips
  • 12 Small choc chip cookies
First things first is the cupcakes, like I said, I went for the easy way and bought a chocolate cake mix from Coles. It's so cheap and they still taste delicious so don't ever feel bad for opting for the easier option!
Follow the directions on the back of your recipe.

When filling my patty pans I always use the 1/4 cup to ensure they are all even.

Once all your cupcakes are cooked and cooled completely, place the coconut in a large bowl and two caps of liquid blue food colouring. Continue to mix with a spoon until evenly mixed.

Now for the Cookie Monsters eyes!
Melt a small amount of white chocolate melts to act as a glue to hold the eyes together. Dab a little of the melted chocolate onto the white chocolate melt, then place the dark choc chip onto it. You want to place the choc chip as close to the edge as you can. Repeat for all 24 melts.
Leave to set for about 30 seconds.

Now prepare your Butter Cream Frosting and tint to a light blue using 1 cap full of liquid food colouring.

Fill a piping bag with the Butter Cream Frosting and use a large round tip.
Before piping, ensure that your frosting it right at the very end of the piping bag.
Hold the piping nozzle in the middle of the cupcake and continue to push the icing until the top is covered.
Now roll in the cupcake in the coconut. Then, using the palm of your hand, gently 'cup' the icing into a dome shape. You are gently pressing down the coconut into the icing.
Then grab your eyes and press into the cupcakes one at a time. You want to have them at different angles as Cookie Monster is crazzzzzy for cookies!
Then grab your Choc chip cookie and press into the cupcake, pressing on an downward angle.
Repeat on all your cupcakes!
These cupcakes are perfect for birthday parties and are almost too cute to eat!
I hope you enjoy!
Hungry Cakes

Thursday 23 May 2013

Butter Cream Frosting

This delicious Butter Cream Frosting can be used on cakes, cupcakes and cake pops!

You will need:

·         250g Unsalted butter
·         5 Cups of icing sugar mixture, sifted (I know it sounds like a lot but the taste is worth it)
·         2 Teaspoons of Vanilla Essence
·         3 Tablespoons of Full Cream Milk
·         Choice of Food Colouring Paste or Liquid Colouring
1.      Beat the butter for approximately 5 minutes to make the butter light and fluffy. It should appear pale white in colour.
2.      Divide the sifted icing sugar in half into separate bowls.
3.      Continue to beat the butter while gradually adding in one of the icing sugar bowls.
4.      Add the Vanilla essence and beat well
5.      Add the milk and beat well
6.      Now gradually add the last bowl of the icing sugar
To test to see if your Buttercream is ready to pipe simply grab a spoon - The Buttercream should be thick enough that it is unable to fall off the spoon unless helped to do so.
If it falls off the spoon, continue to beat until it passes the test!

Add your desired food colouring by either folding or beating with the electric mixer.
Then pipe onto your cupcake or cake etc. and enjoy!
Hungry Cakes

Wednesday 22 May 2013

Friends Themed Cake!

My sister turned 20 last week and she is obsessed with the tv show friends. It's not just her, myself and my cousin are all friends obsessed and constantly quote the show, which is why when it was time for me to think of a cake idea I had no problems!
She explained to me "All I want is a plain cake with buttercream icing"
pffffffffffft does she know me at all? so I compromised and did a sponge cake with buttercream filling and fondant decorations.
For those of you not familiar with friends, the cake is the door of the apartment the main characters live in. it's become an iconic symbol of the show.

unfortunately I don't have photos of the stages it took me to make this cake, but it was as simple as covering the cake in buttercream icing for the fondant to stick to, then rolling out the fondant and adding the features.
I used an edible marker to add quotes from the show on the side of the cake.
It was very delicious if I do say so myself.
Hungry Cakes

Tuesday 7 May 2013

Homemade Lemonade

Now I know that my blog is a cake blog and I love posting exciting cake related recipes but I thought I would share this delicious recipe for freshly squeezed homemade original lemonade!
It seems a bit odd to be making lemonade at this time of the year with the cooler weather and all but my lemon tree is booming with growth and I couldn't resist mixing up a fresh batch of lemonade.
The best thing about original Lemonade is that tangy sweet & sour flavour that dances around your mouth! Not only is it a fabulous idea for kids birthday parties but it's so easy you can make up a batch just for an afternoon drink.

Lets get started, you will need:

  • 3/4 Cup of Caster Sugar
  • 1 Cup Boiling Water
  • 1 Cup of Lemon Juice (Roughly 4 large Lemons)
  • 2 Cups of Ice Cubes
  • Lemon Slices to Serve
Place your sugar and boiling water in a heatproof jug and stir with a wooden spoon until all the sugar is dissolved. Then, set aside  to cool completely. If you are in a rush, just pop it in the fridge until cool.

Strain your lemon juice to remove any unwanted seeds and then pour into sugar water.** Stir in the ice cubes and Lemon slices.

*** Optional: Add 2 cups of cold water to the mix to dilute the flavour. I chose not too as I love the tangy Lemon punch of flavour

And it's as easy as that! This will roughly serve about 4 when using tall glasses so I would suggest to double the quantity if you want it to last longer than the day!

Hungry Cakes xxx

Thursday 2 May 2013

Cupcake Bouquet

Mother's Day is just around the corner and it's the time of year to say thank you to the lovely lady in your life who brought you into the world, taught you how to tie your shoes, and gave you her shoulder to cry on so many times you've lost count. This day is all about showing your Mum just how much you love her, and what better way then with flowers.
Flowers are so pretty and delicate yet if you've ever tasted a flower, you'll know, they don't taste good. So how about  a fun and easy Cupcake Bouquet that is sure to please and tastes great too.

This recipe is so easy to make and only involves a few pieces of equipment.
You will need:
  • A bucket, pot, watering can or vase of your choice
  • Six small rocks
  • A Styrofoam ball
  • Green tissue paper
  • Toothpicks
  • Approximately 30 mini cupcakes (depending on your sized Styrofoam ball)
  • One quantity of your chosen icing
  • Piping Bag
  • Wilton Piping tip 1M

Okay to get started, you take your pre-baked mini cupcakes and your icing of your choice. With the cupcakes I have just used a plain vanilla cupcake recipe something nice and simple, you can choose any cake mixture packet or home made for these, it could be chocolate, red velvet or rainbow - get creative!
I have chosen to use Buttercream icing for my piping as it is a thick icing and perfect for piping. You can use any icing however, even my Cream Cheese Frosting Recipe would be delicious with these mini cupcakes.

Place the piping tip into the piping bag and fill with icing. To do a basic rose it is very simple, make sure the icing is squeezed all the way to the end on the tip as if it is about to squeeze out.
Start in the centre and squeeze a small amount of icing onto the cupcake, then moving in a clockwise motion, continue to pipe around the cupcake, moving around in a circle.

Once you've piped all your mini cupcakes, place them in the fridge to firm

Now you grab your bucket or vase of choice, I have a lovely rose pattern bucket I picked up at a bargain store for $6 I was very tempted to buy the giant teacup they were selling, however I could not find a Styrofoam ball big enough to fit *sad face*

Place the rocks into the bucket, this is just the weight the bouquet down, and them push the Styrofoam ball into the bucket.

Grab your mini cupcakes out of the fridge and one by one Position a cupcake on the Styrofoam. If you are happy with the position remove the cupcake and push a toothpick into the Styrofoam. Then push the cupcake on top of the toothpick.
Make your way around the bottom of the ball and continue layer by layer until all finished.
Fill in any gaps with small pieces of tissue paper.
To serve simply let Mum pull off the mini Cupcakes and enjoy!
I hope you enjoyed this Cupcake Bouquet Tutorial, stay tuned for some exciting cake decorating ideas very soon!
Hungry Cakes xxx

Golf Inspired Giant Cupcake

I thought I would share some pictures of the Golf inspired Giant Cupcake I made a few weeks ago for my Grandads 80th Birthday.
This is made up of Chocolate cake, Cream Cheese Filling and Buttercream icing on top.

To learn how to make a Giant Cupcake
click here

I was lucky enough to find a bag of Golf themed figurines at my local cake decorating supplier, you can however purchase similar things on eBay, or if your adventurous, have a go making them yourself out of modelling chocolate.

I used one quantity of Buttercream icing and coloured it in a light green. Then using the Wilton Grass Tip #233 I made my way around the Giant Cupcake.
On top of the cake I made a mound of brown sugar to act as the sand and made a small golf ball out of gum paste, you could substitute this for fondant.

The rest is up to you, carve a little place for your Golfer, add some trees or even a patch of blue fondant to act as water.

When it's cut open you should get that lovely layering to your Giant Cupcake.
This cake went down a treat with my family, it was a lovely night gathering together family I don't often see for a night of celebration.
An exciting Mothers day Cake idea is coming up next!
Hungry Cakes