
Baking has always been in my life, I remember being three years old helping my mother in the kitchen to fill profiteroles with custard and top with gooey chocolate sauce, after filling two I would be covered head to toe in sauce but would be left with a massive smile on my face.

As I grew up, baking continued to be a passion, I loved seeing the reaction on people's face when they tasted my cakes. I loved being able to bring joy to people through food and be apart of their celebrations.

After a hiccup in the road which led me to leave school, I really started to focus on my baking. I took a basic decorating course and became addicted to watching tutorials on YouTube. I became more adventurous working with different ingredients and although there are still many times the cakes go straight in the bin without an attempt to save, I am slowly gaining confidence to try bigger and better cakes.

I bake because it makes me happy, I love being in control in the kitchen and creating something beautiful out of simple ingredients. I love spreading happiness by sharing my baking and by creating this blog I feel I am helping others to spread happiness too!

I hope you all enjoy these recipes and have a lovely time baking them in your home.
Lots of love
Laura xx