Tuesday 7 May 2013

Homemade Lemonade

Now I know that my blog is a cake blog and I love posting exciting cake related recipes but I thought I would share this delicious recipe for freshly squeezed homemade original lemonade!
It seems a bit odd to be making lemonade at this time of the year with the cooler weather and all but my lemon tree is booming with growth and I couldn't resist mixing up a fresh batch of lemonade.
The best thing about original Lemonade is that tangy sweet & sour flavour that dances around your mouth! Not only is it a fabulous idea for kids birthday parties but it's so easy you can make up a batch just for an afternoon drink.

Lets get started, you will need:

  • 3/4 Cup of Caster Sugar
  • 1 Cup Boiling Water
  • 1 Cup of Lemon Juice (Roughly 4 large Lemons)
  • 2 Cups of Ice Cubes
  • Lemon Slices to Serve
Place your sugar and boiling water in a heatproof jug and stir with a wooden spoon until all the sugar is dissolved. Then, set aside  to cool completely. If you are in a rush, just pop it in the fridge until cool.

Strain your lemon juice to remove any unwanted seeds and then pour into sugar water.** Stir in the ice cubes and Lemon slices.

*** Optional: Add 2 cups of cold water to the mix to dilute the flavour. I chose not too as I love the tangy Lemon punch of flavour

And it's as easy as that! This will roughly serve about 4 when using tall glasses so I would suggest to double the quantity if you want it to last longer than the day!

Hungry Cakes xxx

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