Thursday 2 May 2013

Golf Inspired Giant Cupcake

I thought I would share some pictures of the Golf inspired Giant Cupcake I made a few weeks ago for my Grandads 80th Birthday.
This is made up of Chocolate cake, Cream Cheese Filling and Buttercream icing on top.

To learn how to make a Giant Cupcake
click here

I was lucky enough to find a bag of Golf themed figurines at my local cake decorating supplier, you can however purchase similar things on eBay, or if your adventurous, have a go making them yourself out of modelling chocolate.

I used one quantity of Buttercream icing and coloured it in a light green. Then using the Wilton Grass Tip #233 I made my way around the Giant Cupcake.
On top of the cake I made a mound of brown sugar to act as the sand and made a small golf ball out of gum paste, you could substitute this for fondant.

The rest is up to you, carve a little place for your Golfer, add some trees or even a patch of blue fondant to act as water.

When it's cut open you should get that lovely layering to your Giant Cupcake.
This cake went down a treat with my family, it was a lovely night gathering together family I don't often see for a night of celebration.
An exciting Mothers day Cake idea is coming up next!
Hungry Cakes

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